Thursday 26 May 2016

My Gumboots

When I play in the mud I always wear my gumboots.  The gumboots always get muddy.  When the gumboots get muddy Mum says "don't get your gumboots dirty", I say "I won't".  
So next time I will wear my old gumboots and so I did. When I wear my gumboots I ask my mum first without going straight ahead. Sometimes when I splash in muddy puddles my sister comes with me to jump in muddy puddles. When the door opens Sebby jumps in the mud with me.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Before School Fun

Today before school I went to Jasmine’s house to do maths. It is fun mum left me at Jasmines I wrote lots of words in a book then Emily did her lesson of piano, mum left her too. She found it fun too.